Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lindsay

Online ticket bought, already looking forward HUGELY to the event and contorting all crossable digits and limbs in the hope that there will be a Scottish one too. Your Substack postings are things of beauty, wit, courage - thank you.

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Oh Linda, thank you!! Yes, I hope for Scotland-based shenanigans! I have this full plan for an Edinburgh one but just cannot find a venue!! And maybe something smaller but bookish in Glasgow. At any rate, I am SO happy there will be a London one that will be livestreamed. xx

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A female friend of mine, who has also been hounded and cancelled, advises me when looking for new friends to "avoid artists". (And she's an artist ... but she's just wisely playing the percentages).

Regarding Kate Clanchy and others: it is very apparent to me that something that is prevalent in our current time is that quite evidently kind people are being attacked, at least in part simply because they are kind. (See also Nina Power). "No good deed goes unpunished": I am seeing it time and time again. I see it as a kind of dark spiritual force in play.

I, too, hope for a Glasgow/Scottish launch!

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