Jun 16Liked by Jenny Lindsay

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Ordered, and before breakfast too! So pleased for you!

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Thank you so much Jeannie! SO appreciated! x

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I’m president of Erskine Writers and we are hoping you will do a workshop for us thro the Live Lit Funding. If you are interested, it would be good to know your availability. We meet in Erskine on Tuesday afternoons between Sept and May. I can pick you up at Johnstone Sta. It may be my colleague, John Hughes, has already been in touch, in which case, apologies for double posting.

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Oh wow, that would be wonderful! I will await an email but will be happy to confirm! xx

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I’m at Jeannie.mackenzie@ntlworld.com. We don’t have our syllabus mtg until 9 July, so if there’s a date from early Oct that might suit you, feel free to bag it.

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Jun 16Liked by Jenny Lindsay

Jenny, wonderful to hear about your book. Have pre-ordered it and will look forward to reading it.

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Yer a star, thank you Linda! x

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